
As part of the monthly lessons, I want to share mindfulness practices that you can practice on your own. As mentioned, and as will continue to be mentioned, I am sharing skills, tools, and strategies that I use in real time - or that I have used, and continue to share with others, as they once were relevant and helpful to me.

Facilitating mindfulness can be very specifc as it is a research-based practice - thank you jon kabot zinn, richard davidson, dan siegel and others. I consider mindfulness to be using skills, tools, and practices that help one attune to the present moment, best they can. A simple addition, or next step, is to practice calming strategies that support present moment awareness, and to be in that space (best you can), without judgment/comparision/criticism.

Notice. A curious observer of experience.

If you love research-based steps to practice, there are plenty to choose from that spawn from MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction). Or, just google the above professors/authors and choose something that looks good (kabot zinn, davidson, siegel). I share Ellen Langer in the self-care course as she is super simple - SUPER simple. And, supposedly, the 'pioneer' of the research-based mindfulness movement.

I call mindfulness self-awareness, and I use calming strategies that support emotional regulation and sensory integration.

Practice on your own self. Then the transferring is easy.

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